
Finished size:10″” x 6″” Applique Finished Size: 5 1/2″” x 5 1/2″” Perfect for gifting or making to keep! Kit includes: Tea Towel (approx. 20 X 28 ) 18 piece of Velcro for pillow & wrap closure 9 X 30 piece of single-sided fusible foam 1/4 yd fabric for wrap base 1/8 yd fabric for binding 2 yds 1 13/32 jumbo wide ricracMaterials needed: Thread to match fabric 14 X 20 travel pillow Appliqu of your choice (precut or pattern)Finished size:10″ x 6″Applique Finished Size: 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″Kit includes:7″ X 7″ base piece7″ X 10 ” backing piece6″ x 6″ piece of stabilizer(4) 2″ X 7″ strips7″ X 10 ” double sided fusible foam2 ” x wof strip for bindingPrecut appliqu quilt square7″ x 11/16″ ric racMaterials needed:Thread to match fabric


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