
Strip Your Stash- Softcover

Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $19.96.



Dynamic Quilts Made from Strips 12 Projects inMultiple Sizes from GE Designs.Bust your stash with 12 strip quilts, perfect for those largerpieces of leftover fabric that you arent quite sure how touse. Learn how to cut, sort, store, and sew 2-1/2in strips tomake a variety of quilts in two or more sizes. Confidentlypair fabric prints, using three no-fail strategies: controlledcolorway, distinct blocks, or scrap crazies! Whatever yourapproach, youll love stripping along with the popularpattern and fabric designer behind GE Designs. GudrunErlas quick yet impressive patterns only look complicated.Complete with helpful charts and illustrations, everythingfrom fabric selection to block construction is made clearand simple, even for beginners. Stash busters! 12 impressive strip-quilt patterns, each inmultiple sizes. Leftover precut rolls and fabric cuts are given new life. Clear and easy construction with charts and illustrations. Traditional and modern designs specifically for usingfabric strips. Uses Creative Grids CGRT90 .


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